Industry analytics includes the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data about a specific industry, which makes it possible to obtain reliable information and correctly assess its current state, trends and prospects. The results of the analysis of the state of the industry play a crucial role in the process of making reasoned managerial decisions, optimizing existing strategies and achieving sustainable growth in a competitive environment.
Nikita P. Ageev
Senior Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Head of the Department - Industry Analytics
(year, university, faculty, “Specialty”)
1998, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), “Finance and Credit”.
2002, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD.

Work Experience
  • 2007 – present, CEO, oilfield service company NOVAS Ltd. For the period of work, Nikita Ageev has attracted investments in the company totaling 1.2 billion rubles. NOVAS refined and introduced into industrial use the 102 mm diameter Plasma-Pulse Equipment for vertical oil production and injection wells. A number of major Russian and foreign specialists, as well as several research institutes, have been involved in the implementation of the project.
  • 2009 – present, CEO, LLC Georezonans;
  • 2010 – Company of the Year Award in nomination Potential and Perspective;
  • Since 2011, Novas Sk Ltd. has received the status of a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation;
  • 2012 – Novas Sk Ltd. became the winner of the Total Energy USA Award;
  • 2014 – the Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the nomination “Technologies and Industrial Production”;
  • 2014 – LLC Georezonans became a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation;
  • 2016 – LLC Georezonans was nominated and became a finalist of the World Oil Awards in the Best EOR Technology nomination;
  • 2019 – LLC Georezonans became the winner of the All-Russian TechUspech rating in several nominations: the 1stplace among small enterprises in Russia, the 1st place in the nomination “Innovative companies” and the 4thplace in the nomination “Fast-growing enterprises”.
Field of Interest
Coal industry, safety of coal mining, coalbed methane extraction, involvement of unconventional hydrocarbons in the economy of regions, oil & gas industry, difficult-to-recover reserves, innovative technologies, international energy projects, international trade, investment attraction.
The work process
Filling out the form
The first stage includes a detailed description of your need, with an emphasis on priority points and the expected outcome of the study.
Request processing
At this stage, we will promptly respond to your request by accepting it in a way that is convenient for you: by phone call, email or form on the website. The Center's specialists will contact you to clarify the details and arrange a meeting in order to further discuss the project.
Evaluation and formation of the Proposal
We conduct a substantive analysis of the needs, develop a detailed commercial proposal (including the algorithm of actions, terms and cost of the services) and present it to you for discussion.
Agreement and conclusion of the Contract
After the proposal is approved, we discuss all the details of cooperation, prepare an agreement regulating all aspects of interaction and, if necessary, post it in official sources.
Project implementation
At this stage, we create a detailed action plan, implement all the planned works, regularly monitor and supervise the implementation, informing you about the progress of the project in the format of personal meetings and/or interim reports.
Post-project support
Upon completion of the project, we evaluate the results achieved, prepare a final report with our conclusions and recommendations, and provide consulting support for further development and improvement of the processes.

The Center

for Strategic Research

of RUDN University

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